With so many varieties of handbags available in the market, it's really quite difficult to distinguish what is genuine or fake designer handbag. So you need to be smart enough in dealing with them. Here are some tips to help you easily spot an authentic or replica designer handbag.
SCRUTINIZE first the material of the handbag carefully. The quality of the material is one of the best ways to know if it's knock-off or not since most fake suppliers or manufacturers will always use secondary material for manufacturing replica designer handbags. It is therefore will give you a smart idea about the originality of these products.
Make sure that the handbag comes with attractive packaging. Since fake manufacturers or suppliers are not able to match those packaging of the original designer handbags, this can be a great tip to easily identify fake handbags. While the handbag itself may be hard to examine, its packaging can provide certain clues on whether it's a fake or not. Always be aware for its important small details such as labels, tags, authenticity cards and even dust boxes which will give you some hints in their real identities.
Try to look for its emblem tags. Emblem tags can be attached to the corner of the handbag, just inside the straps or maybe attached to its zipper. Authentic designer handbags will often have extra trademark or stitching which make them truly different from any knockoff handbags. This emblem tag includes the "Creed", a code of letters and numbers that specify its uniqueness to any other designer handbags and having any spaces on it will mean that the handbag is a fake.
Does it have an authenticity card? If it doesn't have and it's for sure it's a knockoff. Be sure to check it first before accepting the product or ask the seller why it’s not included with your purchase. This is very important to do since leading designer handbags will all have some form of identification or authenticity card that shows where the handbag was manufactured, and even might include a receipt of production.
Look closely at the logo designs. These are very difficult to imitate or copy completely, and many replica handbags simply use a variation of the original design. This can involve a slight color change, inconsistent printing, or upside down letters. Whatever the case may be, make sure you learn as much as possible about the original before you end up buying a copy or look-a-like.
With all these simple steps keeping in mind we can take a decision about the fakeness of the handbags and can save a lot of money.
• Twin Handle Satchel White Summer Handbag
Since most women always keep their eyes on hot styles and designs of handbags, they became more focused on following these latest fashion trends without considering if the handbags will suit their figure. Perhaps, this is one of the most common mistakes that they make. Instead of buying the right handbag that matches their body type, they go after with its brand, styles and designs just to be in step with the hottest trend in fashion.
We all know that trendy styles of handbags, most especially if these are designer handbags are very tempting to buy even though they don't suit your figure. But this attitude is not an ideal way to make your outfit looks stand out. Keeping up on the latest fashion is not just enough to make you shine. Always remember that anything you wear must have some coordination and balance with your body. For some women who are fashion enthusiasts, choosing and matching handbags are just simple but for others who are not, it's not just as easy.
Here are some basic guide lines to help you out in choosing the best handbag for you:
1. Select the Right Size of Handbag
Knowing the right size of a handbag for your body type should be the first thing to consider before buying it. This will help you find the most appropriate handbag that would look best for you. Just keep in mind that no matter how stylish and elegant a handbag that you carry, it will be unfashionable if it doesn't set off with your figure.
Most fashion experts suggest that if you're short and petite, it's best to choose small handbags to work well with your outfit. This is because selecting big handbags will make you look smaller. On the other hand, if you're tall and slim, you must avoid these small bags. You can rely to use for some mid size, bulky and large handbags because these sizes will be best suit for your stature.
2. Pick out the suitable shape of Handbag
Choosing the best shape of handbag for your figure is another preference before purchasing it. Always bear in mind that carrying a handbag that is proportioned with your body shape is the best way to look stylish and fashionable because it really helps to change and enhance your overall look.
The best tip to achieve this is to make sure that your choice of handbag shape is the opposite of your body type. So if you're slim and tall, you should choose rounded bag to best match your look. However, if you have a shorter physique, tall and rectangular bag is suitable for you to make you look elevated.
3. Choose Color that Complements most of your Outfit
After you have selected the right size and shape of a handbag that best suit to you, it's now time to choose for its color. Matching up the color of handbag to your outfit and shoes is an ideal way to have a fashionable style. Try to buy a colorful handbag that has dominant colors that will match most of your clothes. But to be more practical, you can also go for a plain handbag with just one color. It's most recommended to take neutral color handbags since they are popular choice. Black is a neutral color so you can never go wrong in selecting it because it always comes in style and fashion. You can also harmonize it with any color of your outfit. Brown and white colors are also advisable to use because you can also match them with most of your clothes.
4. Set off Handbag According to Occasion
And finally, it's really important that you know what will be the purpose of a handbag. To be practical, you must put some considerations on its functions because every occasion, place and season calls for different styles and designs of handbags. Just be sure that you're chosen handbag complements to a specific place or occasion and there's no doubt that you'll achieve the stylish outfit you most desire.
Now that you're familiar with some basic tips in choosing a handbag that looks well with your figure, you can now enjoy your shopping in some handbag stores and boutiques. But if you're a time savvy customer who doesn't have enough time in going out to mall, you can find some online shopping sites for your convenience and visit theirdesigner handbag section for your wider selections of different sizes, shapes and styles of handbags that will make you shine above the rest.
Handbags have become one of the most well-knownwomen's fashion accessories available on the market. These are not just considered as functional items that help them carry their necessary belongings but also one of their significant preferences in succeeding the best fashion style they most desire. Today,handbags come out with several varieties of styles and designs to choose from. These different types of handbags are intended for various functions and purposes which enable them to match and fit to their different daily lifestyle. For this reason, most of them own a minimum of three unique styles of handbags that are best appropriate for different occasions because they believe that each outfit requires for a distinct style of handbag.
Here are the Most Common Handbag Styles used by Women:
1. Tote Handbag
This is often called a carry bag. It is used to hold their personal belongings that are too large for a purse. It is very popular they are casual and practical at the same time. Most women use it for their daily hang outs because they always feel comfortable when they carry this type of handbag.
2. Clutch Handbag
It is a handbag which is specifically designed to be carried in the hand because it has no handles. It is a perfect lady-like small bag where women's essentials such as make up and other cosmetic products can be placed to make them stay fresh and look beautiful all day long. Most women use this style of handbag whenever they have to go to an evening gathering and other formal occasions.
3. Satchel Handbag
A handbag that has one, sometimes two, large straps that goes over one shoulder and across the body. This type of handbag is best appropriate in most women who are working in an office. They have to use this handbag because they need to carry their important files whenever they have a meeting or if they need to bring their paper works in their home. It is also often used by most students to help them carry their books and other school stuffs. Using satchel does not only help women to hold their bulky files and things in a more convenient way but also enhance their fashion outlook.
4. Duffel Handbag
This handbag is probably the best choice for travel. It has big capacity and extra compartments that enable women to accommodate several things necessary for their trips. This style of handbag is flexible to use because of its additional accessories such as wheel, trolley, and removable straps which provide them the convenience in handling their heavy loads.
5. Hobo Handbag
It is a style of handbag that is typically large and defined by a crescent shape designed to wear over the shoulder. Hobo handbag has a feminine and stylish design which makes woman's outfit looks more attractive and eye-catching. This handbag is often used by most working women who don't have to bring more bulky things.
There's no doubt, that choosing only one handbag style is really hard for most women since every outfit calls for different handbag style. They really require to have multiple handbags in order for them to pick out the best style of handbag that perfectly meets their needs and complement their outfits at the same time. Knowing how to choose a right handbag for a specific occasion is the best way for them to enhance their outfit to a more stylish and elegant-looking and to stand out among other women.
Designer Handbag Tip #1:
SCRUTINIZE first the material of the handbag carefully. The quality of the material is one of the best ways to know if it's knock-off or not since most fake suppliers or manufacturers will always use secondary material for manufacturing replica designer handbags. It is therefore will give you a smart idea about the originality of these products.
Designer Handbag Tip #2:
Try to look for its emblem tags. Emblem tags can be attached to the corner of the handbag, just inside the straps or maybe attached to its zipper. Authentic designer handbags will often have extra trademark or stitching which make them truly different from any knockoff handbags. This emblem tag includes the "Creed", a code of letters and numbers that specify its uniqueness to any other designer handbags and having any spaces on it will mean that the handbag is a fake.
Does it have an authenticity card? If it doesn't have and it's for sure it's a knockoff. Be sure to check it first before accepting the product or ask the seller why it’s not included with your purchase. This is very important to do since leading designer handbags will all have some form of identification or authenticity card that shows where the handbag was manufactured, and even might include a receipt of production.
Designer Handbag Tip #3:
Look closely at the logo designs. These are very difficult to imitate or copy completely, and many replica handbags simply use a variation of the original design. This can involve a slight color change, inconsistent printing, or upside down letters. Whatever the case may be, make sure you learn as much as possible about the original before you end up buying a copy or look-a-like.
With all these simple steps keeping in mind we can take a decision about the fakeness of the handbags and can save a lot of money.
Selecting the Best Summer Handbags for You
Summer Handbags, it is a time to get you to a nice and attractive handbag for this coming summer season. Except jewelry, a handbag defines the personality and style of woman.
This indispensable and defining accessory and inspires the manufacturers to design their collections that capture the essence of a woman.These handbags meld local materials with classic and trendy shapes and shades. These are available in Clutches, hobo's in floral, totes, and attractive colors. Buckles, fringe, and Ruffles, All are the main types of summer bags.
Today, every one prefers to look a different personality from others. Most of the women want to be hot and fashionable, and nice looking handbags are the most suitable option for you to show that how stylish you are in terms of dressing sense.
This summer, the trend of hot handbags is all over world. This season it is all about expressing your individuality. Big handbags are hot.
Neutral colors are in right now, as are metallic colors. Mostly makers agree that black and white accessories are good for this summer season.
Floral or beads with Tiny clutches are the most fashionable. Oversized totes of wicker and straw have been seeing by all over the world.
Summer Handbags feature bright bold hues like yellow and white, Inspired by top designers and Hollywood celebrities.
Here are some that are most trendy handbags that have selected the top 4 summer handbags. Find Summer Handbags at great summer prices.
This indispensable and defining accessory and inspires the manufacturers to design their collections that capture the essence of a woman.These handbags meld local materials with classic and trendy shapes and shades. These are available in Clutches, hobo's in floral, totes, and attractive colors. Buckles, fringe, and Ruffles, All are the main types of summer bags.
Today, every one prefers to look a different personality from others. Most of the women want to be hot and fashionable, and nice looking handbags are the most suitable option for you to show that how stylish you are in terms of dressing sense.
This summer, the trend of hot handbags is all over world. This season it is all about expressing your individuality. Big handbags are hot.
Neutral colors are in right now, as are metallic colors. Mostly makers agree that black and white accessories are good for this summer season.
Floral or beads with Tiny clutches are the most fashionable. Oversized totes of wicker and straw have been seeing by all over the world.
Summer Handbags feature bright bold hues like yellow and white, Inspired by top designers and Hollywood celebrities.
Here are some that are most trendy handbags that have selected the top 4 summer handbags. Find Summer Handbags at great summer prices.
• Sun Sheen Handbag
• Grainy White Tote Handbag
• Twin Handle Satchel White Summer Handbag
• Pocket Hobo Grainy White Handbag
These stylish bags inspired from vintage bags, 1960's fashion etc. are designed to make your personality special and this bold basic summer handbag will give you yellow fever; the price won't make you break a sweat.
Specialized styles are very famous these days, like dog purses, hobo purses and initial purses with a variety of materials such as leather and suede, gold and silver mesh, soft cotton, even glamorous sequins and rhinestones.
In this summer, let them world know that you are different from others, and hot handbags is the most important part of your fantabulous outfit.
These stylish bags inspired from vintage bags, 1960's fashion etc. are designed to make your personality special and this bold basic summer handbag will give you yellow fever; the price won't make you break a sweat.
Specialized styles are very famous these days, like dog purses, hobo purses and initial purses with a variety of materials such as leather and suede, gold and silver mesh, soft cotton, even glamorous sequins and rhinestones.
In this summer, let them world know that you are different from others, and hot handbags is the most important part of your fantabulous outfit.
We all know that trendy styles of handbags, most especially if these are designer handbags are very tempting to buy even though they don't suit your figure. But this attitude is not an ideal way to make your outfit looks stand out. Keeping up on the latest fashion is not just enough to make you shine. Always remember that anything you wear must have some coordination and balance with your body. For some women who are fashion enthusiasts, choosing and matching handbags are just simple but for others who are not, it's not just as easy.
Here are some basic guide lines to help you out in choosing the best handbag for you:
1. Select the Right Size of Handbag
Knowing the right size of a handbag for your body type should be the first thing to consider before buying it. This will help you find the most appropriate handbag that would look best for you. Just keep in mind that no matter how stylish and elegant a handbag that you carry, it will be unfashionable if it doesn't set off with your figure.
Most fashion experts suggest that if you're short and petite, it's best to choose small handbags to work well with your outfit. This is because selecting big handbags will make you look smaller. On the other hand, if you're tall and slim, you must avoid these small bags. You can rely to use for some mid size, bulky and large handbags because these sizes will be best suit for your stature.
2. Pick out the suitable shape of Handbag
Choosing the best shape of handbag for your figure is another preference before purchasing it. Always bear in mind that carrying a handbag that is proportioned with your body shape is the best way to look stylish and fashionable because it really helps to change and enhance your overall look.
The best tip to achieve this is to make sure that your choice of handbag shape is the opposite of your body type. So if you're slim and tall, you should choose rounded bag to best match your look. However, if you have a shorter physique, tall and rectangular bag is suitable for you to make you look elevated.
3. Choose Color that Complements most of your Outfit
After you have selected the right size and shape of a handbag that best suit to you, it's now time to choose for its color. Matching up the color of handbag to your outfit and shoes is an ideal way to have a fashionable style. Try to buy a colorful handbag that has dominant colors that will match most of your clothes. But to be more practical, you can also go for a plain handbag with just one color. It's most recommended to take neutral color handbags since they are popular choice. Black is a neutral color so you can never go wrong in selecting it because it always comes in style and fashion. You can also harmonize it with any color of your outfit. Brown and white colors are also advisable to use because you can also match them with most of your clothes.
4. Set off Handbag According to Occasion
And finally, it's really important that you know what will be the purpose of a handbag. To be practical, you must put some considerations on its functions because every occasion, place and season calls for different styles and designs of handbags. Just be sure that you're chosen handbag complements to a specific place or occasion and there's no doubt that you'll achieve the stylish outfit you most desire.
Now that you're familiar with some basic tips in choosing a handbag that looks well with your figure, you can now enjoy your shopping in some handbag stores and boutiques. But if you're a time savvy customer who doesn't have enough time in going out to mall, you can find some online shopping sites for your convenience and visit theirdesigner handbag section for your wider selections of different sizes, shapes and styles of handbags that will make you shine above the rest.
Handbags have become one of the most well-knownwomen's fashion accessories available on the market. These are not just considered as functional items that help them carry their necessary belongings but also one of their significant preferences in succeeding the best fashion style they most desire. Today,handbags come out with several varieties of styles and designs to choose from. These different types of handbags are intended for various functions and purposes which enable them to match and fit to their different daily lifestyle. For this reason, most of them own a minimum of three unique styles of handbags that are best appropriate for different occasions because they believe that each outfit requires for a distinct style of handbag.
Here are the Most Common Handbag Styles used by Women:
1. Tote Handbag
This is often called a carry bag. It is used to hold their personal belongings that are too large for a purse. It is very popular they are casual and practical at the same time. Most women use it for their daily hang outs because they always feel comfortable when they carry this type of handbag.
2. Clutch Handbag
It is a handbag which is specifically designed to be carried in the hand because it has no handles. It is a perfect lady-like small bag where women's essentials such as make up and other cosmetic products can be placed to make them stay fresh and look beautiful all day long. Most women use this style of handbag whenever they have to go to an evening gathering and other formal occasions.
3. Satchel Handbag
A handbag that has one, sometimes two, large straps that goes over one shoulder and across the body. This type of handbag is best appropriate in most women who are working in an office. They have to use this handbag because they need to carry their important files whenever they have a meeting or if they need to bring their paper works in their home. It is also often used by most students to help them carry their books and other school stuffs. Using satchel does not only help women to hold their bulky files and things in a more convenient way but also enhance their fashion outlook.
4. Duffel Handbag
This handbag is probably the best choice for travel. It has big capacity and extra compartments that enable women to accommodate several things necessary for their trips. This style of handbag is flexible to use because of its additional accessories such as wheel, trolley, and removable straps which provide them the convenience in handling their heavy loads.
5. Hobo Handbag
It is a style of handbag that is typically large and defined by a crescent shape designed to wear over the shoulder. Hobo handbag has a feminine and stylish design which makes woman's outfit looks more attractive and eye-catching. This handbag is often used by most working women who don't have to bring more bulky things.
There's no doubt, that choosing only one handbag style is really hard for most women since every outfit calls for different handbag style. They really require to have multiple handbags in order for them to pick out the best style of handbag that perfectly meets their needs and complement their outfits at the same time. Knowing how to choose a right handbag for a specific occasion is the best way for them to enhance their outfit to a more stylish and elegant-looking and to stand out among other women.
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